Sunday, March 3, 2013

Virtual Jobs and Positions in The Society

Society Name: Massive Dynamic
My avatar: Wand AxeMurderer Silva

Society Inviter
-Minimum Rank: You will be promoted to Rank 3 - Department Manager so you can invite new players
-Payment: 2 PED per player that applies to join the society
-We need to get to 170-200 members in the society

Society Medic
-Minimum Rank: Rank 3 - Department Manager
-Minimum healing per second: 7 HP

Society TP Run Leader
-Minimum Rank: Rank 4 - Division Manager

Society Hunt Leader
-Minimum Rank: Rank 4 - Division Manager

Society Event Organizer
-Minimum Rank: Rank 4 - Division Manager

Society Trader
-Minimum Rank: Rank 3 - Department Manager

Information here may change with time as the society and the game changes.

Now we are using Corporate Template

Rank 1 - Trainee
When joining the society new players automatically receive that rank. Welcome to the society and take your time to learn more about the game and about this society.
Requirements: Join the society
Can do: Join society TP runs, Get help from the other members of the society
Cannot do: Join society hunts, Take position or job in the society, Edit their member info in the society terminal
Duties: None

Rank 2 - Employee 
After one months in the society you can apply for this rank. Now is good time to start team hunting with the other members of the society.
- 1 months in the society
- 10 teleporters
Can do: Join society TP runs, Get help from the other members of the society, Join society hunts, Edit their member info in the society terminal
Cannot do: Take position or job in the society
Duties: None

Rank 3 - Department Manager
- 3 months in the society
- 30 teleporters
Can do: Join society TP runs, Get help from the other members of the society, Join society hunts, Take position or job in the society, Edit their member info in the society terminal, Can promote Junior Recruits to Learners, Invite people to the society
Cannot do:

Rank 4 - Division Manager
- 6 months in the society
- All teleporters on the planet
- TP chip
- Full set of armor
- Healing tool
- Participating in society hunts and TP runs
Can do: Join society TP runs, Join society hunts, Take position or job in the society, Edit their member info in the society terminal, Can promote to Worker, Invite people to the society, Read society log
Cannot do:
Duties: Help other members

Rank 5 - Vice President 
- 12 months in the society
- All teleporters on the planet
- Travel to another planet
- TP chip level 2
- Vehicle
- Full set of armor
- Healing tool
- Participating in society hunts, TP runs and events
Can do: Join society TP runs, Join society hunts, Take position or job in the society, Edit their member info in the society terminal, Can promote to Worker, Invite people to the society, Read society log, Can demote and kick members with rank Proffesional or less, Organize events
Cannot do:
Duties: Help other members, Organize society hunts, Organize society TP runs

Rank 6 - CEO
Can promote, demote and kick members to rank 5
Can accept new members

1.Society TP Run - Friday, 21:00 MA Time (Game Time)
Starting Teleport: ?
2.Society Swunt - Saturday, 19:00 MA Time (Game Time)
Starting Teleport: ?
3.Society Hunt - Sunday, 19:00 MA Time (Game Time)
Starting Teleport: ?

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