Sunday, March 3, 2013

Crafting Basic Filters March 2013

This crafting run is perfect example how globals can change your returns drastically. My input cost was 21.83 and the output was 20.82 making my return little below 100%, but with the global 56 PED my return skyrocketed to 351.95%
Manufacturing details:
Date: 03.03.2012
Duration: 30 minutes
VU: 14.0.3
Place: Planet Calypso
Manufactured ItemBasic Filters
Used BluePrintBasic Filters Blueprint; Level: 1; QR: 77.5 in the beginning, 79.2 in the end; Book: Component (Vol. I)
Profession: Mechanical Engineer 3.49
Oil, 418: 8.36 PED
Lysterium Ingot, 449: 13.47 PED
Residue: No
Total Input TT Value: 21.83 PED
Basic Filters, 1262: 12.62 PED
Metal Residue, 582: 5.82 PED
Energy Matter Residue, 5838: 58.38 PED
Looted BluePrints: 1 x Basic Tube Blueprint;
Total Output TT Value: 76.83 PED
Output - Input: 76.83 - 21.83 = 55 PED; (351.95% TT return) (Formula: return in % = output/input*100)
Success percentage (by ingame log): 42.1%

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