Saturday, June 4, 2011

Killing 233 Oro with Herman ASI-10 (L) at Resolute Firebase Academy on Arkadia

Killing Oro for the IFN Challenge on Planet Arkadia. Hunting them with the TT BLP pistol. It's hard to stay out of their hit range, so prepare for healing or don't shoot bigger than L6 Young.
The bug with "Failed" message is still not fixed. May be this is the reason for very low TT return from that hunt.

Hunt details:
Date: 04 of June 2011
VU: 11.10.3
Place: Planet Arkadia, outside Resolute Firebase Academy, closest teleport: Resolute Firebase Academy
Land Tax: 0% Hunting; 0% Mining
Coordinates: 29719, 17960, 93
Team or Solo: Solo
Creature(s): Oro (Killed: 233)
Maturity: L6 Young to L8 Provider
Agility: 49
Health: 103
Intelligence: 32
Psyche: 41
Stamina: 2
Strength: 31
Ranged BLP (Dmg): 12
BLP Pistoleer (Hit): 10
Evader: 6
Unlocked hidden skills: Marksmanship
1.Herman ASI-10 (L); MAXED; Attacks per minute: 48/48; Damage: 4-8; Damage per second: 6.4; Durability: Excellent
Armor: No
Healing: No
Loot TT Value: 29.18 PED
Offensive cost:
Ammo: 50 PED
Shots: 2702
Herman ASI-10 (L) decay: 2.89 PED
Total offense: 52.89 PED
Defensive cost:
Armor decay: 0 PED
Healing: 0 PED
Total defense: 0 PED
Total expenses: 52.89 PED
Loot - Offensive cost = 29.18 - 52.89 = -23.71 PED (55.17% TT return)
[Formula: retturn in % = (loot/offensive cost)*100]
Loot - Total Expenses = 29.18 - 52.89 = -23.71 PED (55.17% TT return)
(Formula: retturn in % = (loot/total expenses)*100)

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