Friday, May 20, 2011

Mining with Ziplex Z1 and Ziplex Ju10 at LA57 close to Z's Little Farm on Calypso

Belkar Stone IX
This is mining run before the big mining update on 17 of May 2011 when MindArk with VU 11.10 made big change in the mining system. There are now 2 new mining professions and 1 new space related profession. Also the ore tools are combined with the en-matter tools. 
After few not so successful hunts I decided to try my luck in mining. I am just starting with this profession, but I decided to go out with the TT equipment instead of the rookie one. I still don't have the skills to use it on max but I still got few good claims and also a lot of skills. And probably I had some beginers luck and finished on profit that day.
Mining details:
Date: 19 of January 2011
VU: 11.5.5
Place: Planet Calypso, Eudoria, LA57 closest teleport Z's Little Farm
Coordinates: 27833, 56749, 212
Prospector: 0
Miner: 0
Surveyor: 0
Driller: 0
Ore Finder: Ziplex Z1 OreSeeker, Depth 194,4/204, SIB: Yes, Not maxed
Ore Finder Amplifier: none
Ore Excavator: Earth Excavator ME/01, Efficiency 4,4/6,8, SIB: Yes, Not maxed
Matter Seeker: Ziplex Ju10 MatterSeeker, Depth 184,1/204, SIB: Yes, Not maxed
Matter Seeker Amplifier: none
Energy Extractor: Energy Extractor EE/01, Efficiency 3,7/6,8, SIB: Yes, Not maxed
Armor: BodyGuard L
Tools: Omegaton Fast Aid Pack FAP-5 (Not maxed)
Chips: Teleportation Chip I
Bombs: 27 PED
Probes: 14 PED
Ores TT: 47,03 (Belkar Stone 22,04 PED, Iron Stone 19,24 PED, Gazzurdite Stone 5,75 PED)
En matter TT: 6,40 (Garcen Grease 4,30 PED, Magerian Mist 1,50 PED, Typonolic Steam 0,60 PED)
Ore Finder: 0,69
Matter Seeker: 0,25
Ores TT - Bombs = 47,03 - 27 = +20,03
Ores TT - Bombs - Ore Finder Decay = 47,03 - 27 - 0,69 = +19,34
En matter TT - Probes = 6,40 - 14 = -7,60
En matter TT - Probes - Matter Seeker Decay = 6,40 - 14 - 0,25 = -7,85
Total: +11,49
Belkar Stone IX in LA57

Iron Stone IX in LA57

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