Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hidden Achievements on Planet Calypso

This is a list of all hidden achievements that can be found on Calypso, and how to activate them. Note that if you have already done the requirements for some of these, you must visit the location or mission broker to unlock the achievement

Listed in picture:

'Porter - use a Teleport Pad to get ot Port Atlantis Marina
Blessed - Complete The Prophet's missions
Cosmic - Complete 10k Daikiba mission
Iron Forged - COmplete an Iron Mission
Migratory - Complete a 1k mission on SteelBird, Eomon or Longtooth
Operation Hammerhead - Complete Operation Hammerhead
Sunday Driver - Drive 1km in a land based vehicle

All Hidden:
* denotes the achievement is associated with or requires the completion of a mission in order to be unlocked

As of last list update, 7 achievements are not identified

Very Easy - completable by an hour old avatar

Asphalt Pizza - Die once by falling
Brick - Die 5 times from falling
Icarus - Die 25 times from falling

Easy - Completeable by a <level 10 avatar
Running Man - Travel 10km without the aide of vehicles

Sunday Driver - Drive 1km in a land based vehicle
Motorman - Drive 10km in a land based vehicle
Drive - Drive 50km in a land based vehicle
Rally Driver - Drive 100km in a land based vehicle
Bullitt- Drive 500km in a land based vehicle

Sailor - Travel 1km in an aquatic vehicle
Scurvy - Travel 10km in an aquatic vehicle
Mariner - Travel 50km in an aquatic vehicle
Sea Dog - Travel 100km in an aquatic vehicle
Sea Wolf - Travel 500km in an aquatic vehicle

Up - Travel 1km vertically using an aircraft
Skyhopper - Travel 10km using an aircraft
Frequent Flyer - Travel 50km using an aircraft
Airborne - Travel 100km using an aircraft
The Sky is the Limit - Travel 500km using an aircraft

Puny Human - complete the three kill 50 puny's missions
Fragmented* - Loot 100 fragments (either Nova or Blazar)

Socialite* - talk to Society NPC (NPC inside the "Society" building)
Medic* - talk to Port Atlantis medical guide (NPC near NOrth Gates of PA)
Economist* - talk to PA economy guide (NPC inside the "Economy" building)
Gadgeteer* - talk to PA Equipment Guide (NPC inside the "Equipment" building)
Willing to learn - Complete learner missions and unlock the following achivements: Economist, Gadgeteer, Socialite

'Porter* - use a Teleport Pad to get to Port Atlantis Marina
On Top Of Things - go to top of the tallest tower in Port Atlantis
Selkirk* - Visit the Island east of Strength Keep
Lagoon Monster* - Visit the LAgoon on the island east of Strength Keep
Islander* - Visit Jennifer's Island (South of PA)
Well of Sirens* - Visit the Underwater Cave on Jennifer's Island
Killed In Action* - Talk to shelley.nakijima, located in the middle of Hadesheim Crater
Smuggler's Run* - Visit Chug's Hideout
Worth waiting for* - Complete the Pub Crawl Mission (talk to bartender in FOrt Fury)

Effort Required These will take some time

Blessed* - Complete The Prophet's missions
Mammon* - Demand more from the Prophet on completion of the mission "The Opening of the Gates"
Atoned* - Complete the Prophet's atonement mission (can only be activated as above)
Cosmic* - Complete 10k Daikiba mission
Iron Forged* - COmplete an Iron Mission Chain


Migratory* - Complete a 1k mission on SteelBird, Eomon or Longtooth
Bronze Giant* - Complete a Bronze Mission (currently Feffoid, Atrox, Merp, Argonaut, Molisk)
Named - Earn Dizi's Respect by completing all Scipulor Iron Challenges

Not Longer Available
Operation Hammerhead* - Complete Operation Hammerhead

These may not be unlockable dependant on your choice during a mission:
Mammon* - Demand more from the Prophet on completion of the mission "The Opening of the Gates"
Atoned* - Complete the Prophet's atonement mission (can only be activated as above)

Alphabetical List (by request)

Addicted - Use a toxic injector XY times
Airborne - Travel 100km using an aircraft
Asphalt Pizza - Die once by falling
Atoned* - Complete the Prophet's atonement mission (can only be activated as above)
Blessed* - Complete The Prophet's missions
Bred with a purpose - Kill 1000 Shinkiba
Brick - Die 5 times from falling
Bronze Giant* - Complete a Bronze Mission (currently Feffoid, Atrox, Merp, Argonaut, Molisk)
Bullitt - Drive 500km in a land based vehicle
Cosmic* - Complete 10k Daikiba mission
Drive - Drive 50km in a land based vehicle
Economist* - talk to PA economy guide (NPC inside the "Economy" building)
Equalizer - Kill 50 players in any PVP
Flayer - Kill 100 players in any PVP
Fragmented* - Loot 100 fragments (either Nova or Blazar)
Frequent Flyer - Travel 50km using an aircraft
Gadgeteer* - talk to PA Equipment Guide (NPC inside the "Equipment" building)
Gamekeeper - complete the mission "Skinkiba Inventory" (available from Carl Tucker)
Icarus - Die 25 times from falling
Inoculated - use a pvp injector
IOU - Receive the Fight Club ticket from the mission broker at Medusa (Level 2 balcony).
Iron Forged* - COmplete an Iron Mission
Islander* - Visit Jennifer's Island (South of PA)
Killed In Action* - Talk to shelley.nakijima, located in the middle of Hadesheim Crater
Lagoon Monster* - Visit the LAgoon on the island east of Strength Keep
Lord of the Ring - Complete the five-round Shinkiba event at Chug's hideout
Mammon* - Demand more from the Prophet on completion of the mission "The Opening of the Gates"
Mariner - Travel 50km in an aquatic vehicle
Medic* - talk to Port Atlantis medical guide (NPC near NOrth Gates of PA)
Migratory* - Complete a 1k mission on SteelBird, Eomon or Longtooth
Motorman - Drive 10km in a land based vehicle
Murdered - You are killed in pvp
Named - Earn Dizi's Respect by completing all Scipulor Iron Challenges
No - ????
On Top Of Things - go to top of the tallest tower in Port Atlantis
Operation Hammerhead* - Complete Operation Hammerhead
Piercer - You killed one player in any PVP
Pit Fighter - Complete the Sabakuma wave event
'Porter* - use a Teleport Pad to get to Port Atlantis Marina
Puny Human - complete the three kill 50 puny's missions
Rally Driver - Drive 100km in a land based vehicle
Ripper - You have killed five players in any PVP
Running Man - Travel 10km without the aide of vehicles
Sailor - Travel 1km in an aquatic vehicle
Scurvy - Travel 10km in an aquatic vehicle
Sea Dog - Travel 100km in an aquatic vehicle
Sea Wolf- Travel 500km in an aquatic vehicle
Selkirk* - Visit the Island east of Strength Keep
Skyhopper - Travel 10km using an aircraft
Smuggler's Run* - Visit Chug's Hideout
Socialite* - talk to Society NPC (NPC inside the "Society" building)
Sunday Driver - Drive 1km in a land based vehicle
The Gentleman's Club - Complete the Mission "The Fight Club"
The Sky is the Limit - Travel 500km using an aircraft
Up - Travel 1km vertically using an aircraft
Uplinked - ??? Complete the network hub mission from the Prophet
VIP - Arrive at Chug's hideout once you have the Fight Club ticket.
Well of Sirens* - Visit the Underwater Cave on Jennifer's Island
Willing to learn - Complete learner missions and unlock the following achivements: Economist, Gadgeteer, Socialite
Worth waiting for* - Complete the Pub Crawl Mission (talk to bartender in FOrt Fury)

Source: Hidden Achievements Thread

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