Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Planet Arkadia Triathlon 2013 - "TEN" edition

This year, as we celebrate the monumental milestone of Entropia Universe's tenth anniversary, Arkadia Studios presents "Planet Arkadia Triathlon 2013", the first of many TEN events proudly sponsored by MindArk.

The unique four-day "Triathlon" format will make this the first official event of its kind in the history of Entropia Universe.

  • The event is simple. Global in each of the three primary professions (hunting, mining and crafting) to score a point.

  • Most points wins, and there are ten places with huge prizes!

  • Did we include some random prizes? Of course! Every point you earn is an entry in the draw, unless you win one of the top ten prizes!

  • Event goes for four days, starting 31st Jan 2013 (00:00:01 MA Time) and ending on 3rd Feb 2013 (23:59:59 MA time).
What better way to celebrate the historical TEN year anniversary than by combining the three fundamental professions that have helped Entropia become the amazing Universe it is today?


Item information and stats are provided further in this post

1st Place - Chronicle Harness TEN Edition (F) + Armor Plating Mark. 10B (L) TEN Edition
2nd Place - Chronicle Arm Guards (M) TEN Edition
3rd Place - Chronicle Shin Guards (F) TEN Edition
4th Place - Chronicle Foot Guards (M) TEN Edition
5th place - Armor Plating Mark. 10B TEN Edition
6th place - Arsonistic Chip III TEN Edition
7th place - Paladin Harness (F) TEN Edition
8th place - Paladin Arm Guards (M) TEN Edition
9th place - Paladin Shin Guards (F) TEN Edition
10th place - Paladin Foot Guards (M) TEN Edition

5 x random draw (each avatar who gets a minimum of 1 point will be in the race) - Nano Chip 3-Pack

The "Nano Chip 3-Pack" prize consists of three Mindforce chips as follows:

1 x full TT Health Augmentation Chip I (L)
1 x full TT Regeneration Acceleration Chip I (L)
1 x full TT Regeneration Inhibition Chip I (L)

Get yourself ready and let the games begin!

Item Info

Chronicle Armor TEN Edition
Durability: 6200
Stab: 74 | Cut: 65 | Impact: 26 | Penetration: 18 | Shrapnel: 14 | Burn: 18 | Cold: 8 | Acid: 10 | Electric: 8

Paladin Armor TEN Edition
Durability: 2650
Stab: 8 | Cut: 15 | Impact: 16 | Penetration: 9 | Burn: 16

Armor Plating Mark. 10B TEN Edition
Durability: 3160
Cut: 10 | Impact: 14 | Penetration: 4 | Cold: 34

Armor Plating Mark. 10B (L) TEN Edition
Durability: 14320
Impact: 9 | Shrapnel: 39 | Burn: 14

Arsonistic Chip III TEN Edition
Range: 55
Ammo: 60000
Decay: 0.10500 PED
Req Level: 19.5
Delay: 1.3 sec
Cooldown: 11 sec
Damage Burn: 300

Rules, Notes, Definitions

Each set of 1 hunting, 1 mining and 1 crafting global entitles you to 1 point.
(1 hunting global + 1 mining global + 1 crafting global = 1 point awarded)
For example:
Cyrus gets 10 hunting, 20 mining and 30 crafting globals during the event period. Cyrus gets 10 points.

Globals must occur on Planet Arkadia, but not necessary for Arkadia items (for crafters).

The player with the most points wins first prize. Second highest total wins second prize, and so on.

This event is open to individuals only, and results will be determined via a report from MindArk.

Teams are not eligible for participation in this event. Any team results will be ignored in determining the winners.

An individual may only win one prize.

Top ten prizes will be determined first, then all ten winners' data will be removed from the report. 5 random prizes will then be determined from the remaining data. In other words, anyone who wins a top ten prize does not qualify for a random prize.

Random prizes will be drawn using a random number generator.

The final decision for prizes will be made by Arkadia Studios, and will be announced as soon as possible after the event ends. It will take some time, however, for MindArk to generate a report and for Arkadia Studios to determine the winners.

In the event that there is a tie for any of the prizes, the first player to have reached the prizewinning number of points receives the prize, the second player to have reached the prizewinning number of points receives the next prize, and so on. If such a tie forces a player out of the top ten, no prize will be awarded, however their points will be deemed as valid entries for the random prize draw.

An eligible "global" is any hunting, mining or crafting loot on Planet Arkadia registering a value higher than 50 PED, including HOF (Hall of Fame) and ATH (All Time High). In other words, a loot of over 50 ped TT value in any of the three main professions. Instance loot does not count.

Prizes will be available by direct trade with the avatar "Cyrus Arkadia Community Manager".

Any prizes not collected within 28 days of being advised they are available, risk having Arkadia Studios forfeit the prize.

Event starts 31st Jan 2013 (00:00:01 MA Time) and ends on 3rd Feb 2013 (23:59:59 MA time).

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